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Astrophysics Luncheon Seminar

JWST, Juno and the Carbon-to-oxygen Ratio in Giant Planets
Presented by Jonathan Lunine
Cornell University

Monday, February 12, 2018
12:00 noon in 169-336 and on Webex

The carbon-to-oxygen ratio (C/O) in protoplanetary disks is an important indicator of processes involving transport and condensation of planet-forming materials. Giant planets sweep up large amounts of material, and so measuring their C/O provides one way of`constraining processes from one disk to another. For Jupiter, the Galileo Probe almost got us there, but it will take Juno to get the "O" in C/O. For extrasolar giants, JWST will provide very high quality transit spectra that will allow us to see the C, O-bearing species.

JPL Contact: Vanessa Bailey (4-2034)

About the Speaker
Dr. Lunine is interested in how planets form and evolve, what processes maintain and establish habitability, and what kinds of exotic environments (methane lakes, etc.) might host a kind of chemistry sophisticated enough to be called "life". He pursues these interests through theoretical modeling and participation in spacecraft missions. He worked with the radar and other instruments on Cassini, is co-investigator on the Juno mission now in orbit at Jupiter, and on the MISE instrument for the Europa Clipper mission. He is on the science team for the James Webb Space Telescope, focusing on characterization of extrasolar planets and Kuiper Belt objects. Lunine has contributed to concept studies for a wide range of planetary and exoplanetary missions. Lunine is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and has participated in or chaired a number of advisory and strategic planning committees for the Academy and for NASA.

SVCP Astrophysics

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